Your story. Wear it. Write it. Live it with our Morse Code Jewellery and self-care and activity card decks.

Indigo Bay is a haven, an escape where you can be real and we say hell yes to a little cheekiness. Our Morse Code Jewellery and Memory Makers card decks are daily reminders of how incredible you are, that life is to be lived, and to take time to make the sweetest of memories with your favourite people. With Indigo Bay life is an adventure waiting to be explored, filled with moments to remember.

Hey, I'm Marnie, creator and stationery addict behind Indigo Bay.
Life at The Bay is about making precious memories, spending time with the people who bring us joy, doing the things that we love, & feeling good about ourselves.
Inspired by this, and wanting my girls to have amazing memories of their childhoods, I created Memory Makers.
It all began with the Family Edition and there are so many more to come!