Our Customers' Stories

Who are our customers?

You are girls and women aged from 3 to 93 and you all have a story.

Working at markets is amazing as I get to meet you face to face and I feel so honoured and humbled that Indigo Bay gets to share in your story and that you are a part of our story. 

Your stories

Your stories are tragic, heart-breaking, motivational, inspiring, loving, sweet, and funny. 

A husband choosing a gift for his wife.

A son choosing a gift for his mum. 

A mum who lost her son to suicide.

A daughter who's father was diagnosed with an aggressive form of dementia - a father who loved to read, whose intelligence was everything. 

A woman going through divorce.

A teenager being bullied by other girls. 

A woman who loves her pets so much and didn't want any of them to feel left out. 

Friends supporting each other and wanting only the best for each other.

2 women viewed from the back with their arms around each other

A psychologist supporting her patients.

An author with a huge to-do list. 

 A woman who lost her dad. 

Another who lost her grandfather. 

Pink rose on a sheet

A couple wanting bracelets - he wanted matching, she said no 😆

A mum so proud of her daughter - for her strength and courage in facing difficult days at school. 

A coach to give her clients encouragement and motivation.

Your stories are all so very special - thank you for sharing them with us. It means the world.

We'd love to be a part of your story and help to inspire, motivate, and empower you. Shop our products at www.indigobay.com.au.


If you or anyone you know needs help please call Lifeline 13 11 14, Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636, or speak with a trusted loved one. 


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