Do You Have Something You've Always Wanted to Do?

Last year I heard Lou Bannister (Lunch Lady Magazine and co-founder of Frankie Magazine) speak and she said something that has stuck with me ever since.

She said - and I am majorly paraphrasing and supplementing here because uh, mum brain - we all have that one thing we want to do, but for some reason we don’t. It may be you think you are too old, can’t learn new things, it’s too expensive, it's too embarrassing, you don't have anyone to do it with you (and you can't do it alone!!!) or you don't have time.

Whatever, there is always some excuse as to why you can’t do it. And it may be the lamest of excuses.

This stuck with me because I definitely have a ‘thing’. I’ve had it for a long time and not done anything about it – those damn excuses just kept piling up.

So, what is my thing?

Roller skating.

This is so much my thing that it made it into 2 sets of Memory Makers. Yep. 2. The ones below in case you were wondering 😊


It has been nearly a year since that speech, and finally, thanks to a gentle push from a lovely friend, guess what I started doing 😄

2 friends in roller skates

Now, I still make excuses not to do it - my kids love roller skating, but need a lot of help still, so any time I get the skates out they want a go too. So those excuses are still coming, but I've made a start. And I am so happy that I have. 

So, what’s your thing? And have you started doing it yet? If not, let this be your motivation, your push, your kick up the butt, to get out there and do it! And I’d love to hear all about it – comment below to let me know 💙

And if you need some inspiration, some motivation, some ideas for fun and adventures with friends and your loved ones check out our range of making memories Memory Makers!

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