Every year I choose a word (or 3) that are reminders, goals, or dreams. They are sometimes words that I need to get me through the day, sometimes words to inspire and motivate me to be stronger, and sometimes reminders that I can do it and to be me.
I then make a Morse Code bracelet of the word, tie it on, and I have my word there to see every day and when I need that reminder or push (or kick up the butt!) all I have to do is look at my wrist and the motivation comes.
So how do you go about deciding your word?
Yep, hide yourself away somewhere, grab a pen and a notepad, and write down whatever comes to mind. Write about the past year. Write your dreams and goals for the coming year. Write how you are feeling. Write about changes in your life and how they have affected you. You don’t have to write in full sentences, you don’t have to write an essay (unless you really want to!), it doesn’t have to flow and read like a novel. Just write. And then think about what you have written. Do any words come to mind?

Take your time.
You don’t have to decide them right this minute. The world is not going to fall apart if you take a while to decide. Try the words on. How do they feel? It took me a long time in 2022 to decide and the words I thought I wanted just didn’t feel right. So, I didn’t settle, and finally found the right ones for me.

Make it achievable
Yep, I would love $50million, for cookies and chocolate to be healthy, and my kids to be angels, but these aren’t real. They won’t happen this year, so make sure your word/s are something that you can achieve or are a realistic dream.
What inspires you?
Being realistic doesn’t mean you can’t aim high. These are your words – they are to inspire you, to remind you, to motivate you. What works for you?

How many words?
It doesn’t have to be just one word – don’t get stuck thinking you can only have 1 word for the year. You may come up with 3 or 4 words that you need. Or you may just come up with 1. Remember, this is for you, so you do what works for you.
I've put these tips together on a cute postcard AND I've made up a matching postcard to list your 2023 goals and words so you can print them out and put them somewhere you can see them every day for inspiration.
To get yours just sign up for The Bay News (my newsletter) here or use the sign up at the bottom of this page 💙 Already signed up? The tips will be available for you from Sunday 1 January 2023!